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"Path" Serigraph by Mike Smith
"Poppies" Serigraph by Mike Smith
"Queenie" by Mike Smith ($250 to $650)
"Quiet Norwegian Nights" by Mike Smith ($250 to $650)
"Red Gate" Serigraph by Mike Smith
"Rooster" Serigraph by Mike Smith
"Sadie And Bill On Studio Island" by Mike Smith
"Sky Windmills and the Balcony" by Mike Smith ($250 to $650)
"Small Whales and Snow" by Mike Smith ($250 to $650)
"The Garden Named the Name of the Clouds" by Mike Smith ($250 to $650)
"The Horse Who Took Me To The Places She Loved" by Mike Smith ($250 to $450)
"Tim and Bees" Serigraph by Mike Smith
"Tim And The Island Garden" by Mike Smith ($250 to $550)
"Toby and the Yellow House" by Mike Smith ($250 to $650)
"Trellis" Serigraph by Mike Smith
"Woodpile" Serigraph by Mike Smith
Nettie Lives in Karlsruhe
Rose Garden
Two Moon Roosters